Marine Container Operator

Case Study

Intelligent Dashboards move Goods Faster – Marine Container Operator

– Case Description | Company Challenge 

How do we better monitor and improve operations through actionable data?

Loading and unloading ships is incredibly complex and expensive. Time is of the essence so planning internally is critical when issues arise and when equipment needs regular maintenance in the future.

The marine container operator was having challenges planning when equipment would need future maintenance, what their current data /reporting meant and how to best communicate insights internally and externally. 

Marine Container Operator - Case Study

Key Results

Monitored equipment operations to improve operator training and equipment movement

Improved their operations uptime through actionable data

Clients had higher satisfaction as goods moved faster

Company Overview

Our client has four container terminals positioned on the East and West Coast of North America. 

All terminals have direct access to major freeways and national railways, so connections to-and-from the terminals are fast and reliable. The terminals are constantly upgrading and improving their technology, equipment, and processes so that they can continue delivering on time, every time.

Company Size

% of GDP moves through their terminals

Technology used

Microsoft, Inductive Automation


Marine Transportation & Logistics

Use Cases

Reporting, Quality Assurance, Uptime, Asset Tracking

QCAi Work

Developed an Automated Maintenance and Monitoring Tool.

QCAinsights designed a multi-site automated asset maintenance monitoring tool for the client. The system was designed to be easily implemented across existing client sites and scalable to future sites by leveraging Ignition server-based technology and SQL Server.  Standards, business rules, and equipment states were defined in conjunction with the client. This set a standard across all locations for uniformity and understanding. High-Performance HMI design was applied to the operator interface to ensure the operator was drawn to equipment in need of attention. An event-based historian was applied to track the availability of each piece of equipment in each state or states in a centralized location. 

QCAi then generated reports using MSSQL Reporting Services showing key performance indicators, equipment downtime, and reasons across sites.

micro sql server logo-Analytics Services - QCAinsights - Better and faster data driven decision - Ignition Logo - Rockwell Automation Logo -Marine Container Operator


Cloud-based MS SQL

Ignition Logo - Rockwell Automation Logo - Bulk Material Shipping Port - Marine Container Operator



Rockwell Automation Logo - Bulk Material Shipping Port - Marine Container Operator


Rockwell Automation

OSI Pi Logo - Marine Container Operator




A scalable and centralized capability to track assets and improve uptime.

Marine Container Operator can now better serve clients by increasing their ability to load/unload ships. Their assets (equipment) are tracked, and maintenance is done at the right time reducing breakdowns.  Employees understand the company data more deeply and this has allowed them to be more collaborative. In turn, this has translated to better value to end customers.  

Ships are getting loaded and unloaded faster. They are more profitable. Client satisfaction has increased.

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